That was a slight bummer. Peter could've spent just a split second to throw in a hi, and the conversation would've been a tad bit more enjoyable, leaving Tom less confused and far more engaged!
Oftentimes, people skip the pleasantries thinking that they're saving time. It's 2023 and yes, chat is swift, but it's not a race! Typing is slower than talking, but that shouldn't strip a conversation of its cordial charm. Even in haste, a hello can go a long way in making the other person feel appreciated (and it's definitely less awkward).
The same goes for:
A simple hello wouldn't hurt! 😫
See? Emily threw in a hello, and immediately, the conversation feels more natural. Had Emily thrown in his question before Tom got a chance to respond, it could've created unnecessary anxiety or confusion.
If you're of the opinion that it's sometimes too blunt to just toss your question, you absolutely can start your message with a pleasant greeting.
How 'bout:
So even if it may seem small - starting off with a warm eerily makes way for better asynchronous communication. Even if the other person is currently away, a hello can make them feel warm and fuzzy, and they can enthusiastically answer your question upon return, instead of feeling like a question dispensing machine.
When done right - everyone's walking around with a smile! 🎉